Masking stuff like fine branches against a sky

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Masking stuff like fine branches against a sky

Post by Alan9940 »

I'm using the Quick Selection tool to do a rough selection of a clear blue sky that I'd like to apply a curves adjustment to. However, there is problematic patch of fine branches (Palo Verde tree) against the open sky that isn't selected at all. In PS, I'd use the refine mask dialog to resolve this area. Is there something similar in PL that will mask these branches? I'm thinking this is no different than trying to mask strands of fly-area hair.

Thank you for any insight provided.
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Re: Masking stuff like fine branches against a sky

Post by Hoogo »

This sounds as if creating the mask from channels would give a fine result. Could you post a crop of such a branch in front of the sky?
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Re: Masking stuff like fine branches against a sky

Post by PhilM »

Instead of using a selection, I would try to use the "Color filter".

Create a curve adjustment layer on top of the image layer.
Do the adjustment you need for the sky.
Right click the adjustment layer in the layer panel and select "Color filter".
For the background, select "HIS" mode.
Do a "shift click" on the sky in your image. This will initialize the filter cursors.
The curve adjustment will affect the selected color range only.

Fine tune the curve adjustment.
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Re: Masking stuff like fine branches against a sky

Post by Alan9940 »

Thank you, PhilM. That's exactly what I wanted to do! I always forget how powerful the Color Filter is and I learned something new; I didn't know you could shift/click to set the cursors.