Massively changed streetview

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Massively changed streetview

Post by dutchman »

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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by russellcottrell »

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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by dutchman »

You are right. THX
But the wooden structure is not THAT anymore.
That's why I didn't correct the "lining up" in that heavy way.
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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by der_fotograf »

Some suggestions:

In architecture and cityscape photography you need time and patience. That means: If the light is not perfect or somebody parks a car in front of the object, return at another time of the day or wait. Sometimes images made around sunset are more to the point. Or on a Sunday morning, when everybody is sitting at the breakfast table there won't be any cars obscuring the view.

If you don't have a shift (rise/fall) lens, make two images: One of the top part of the scene, one of the bottom part. Let them overlap at around 30%. Then use »Hugin« (open source software for Linux, Windows, macOS — steep learning curve but an extremely precise tool) and stitch them vertically together.

Look what Russell has done: he removed the keystone effect with a »good eye«, meaning the tried to match the vertical proportions. He pretty much nailed it.

The white building in the background on the left: the bottom window is not high enough. Either it has the same dimensions as the tiny windows on the left side of the building, or it must be larger. Windows and doors are always higher at the lower floors than at the top floors — think about railroad tracks that visually meet in the distance.

At the bottom of the timberframe house you forgot to retouch the darker square next to the corner. At the house on the right side you forgot to remove the pipe running across the wall.

On the street in front of the garage there is a disturbing manhole cover. Close the white line, remove the cover. Remove the gray telecom box at the right.

The cutout in the sandstone wall next to the garage door is guesswork. It is too obvious that you have made a copy of the other one. In the original there was another rose behind the parking car, so you can brush in part of the rose from the corner.

Finally, TV antennas in »ye olde towns« are ugly...

Photographed around sunset, because during the day there are parking too many cars in front of the builing and too many people running around:

Photographed on a Sunday morning, because during weekdays there is always car parking in front of the old town hall:
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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by russellcottrell »

One thing I notice about the Lens Correction filter, it looks like it uses nearest neighbor or "quick" interpolation, and the diagonals (for small images anyway) end up severely pixelated. Could the interpolation be changed to Bilinear or Mitchell-Netravali?
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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by der_fotograf »

Maybe you should post your question in the »Discussion about PhotoLine« or »Anwenderfragen«.
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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by dutchman »

Hi fotograf, thanks for the useful comments.
Please don't take it too seriously. You are too perfect, because you are a photographer perhaps?
For me it's a game, show interested people, what is possible. No more... no less.

I certainly forgot a lot of little points, as you mentioned... the door entry.
My thing is to realize a pic that, "you don't know, what it WAS, before the edit".
This thing was an amazing piece of work. It took hours!

Russell's line-up is too heavy in my opinion. You can see, that I did some line-up already. More didn't (not even in the original pic) end in a good result.
I really don't understand that Russell's result meets your high quality standard.
The window-blend-in: here in the south of Germany, we do have low rooms and low windows in old buildings especialy on the main floor/ground-level. It would be easily done to make the window taller... that's not the point.
The roses in front... who cares about that? They aren't worth it.
Time of the day to take pics and the time you SHOULD invest for a good result. I don't mind, I don't want to make the most brilliant pic of the year. I was greatful, that cars filled the scene. That exactly what I was looking for. I had the idea - from the beginning - to take a "few changes".

Of course you are right in what your critical points describe. I always appreciate critics "at the point" like you did. Thanks again for that.
Also Russell best regards and thanks for your contribution.
BUT for those, who don't have a clue what is possible these days. I am very much pleased by the result.
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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by dutchman »

Now the result of the line-up from the original.
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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by derpeter »

Was ist denn rechts mit der Laterne passiert? Die ist ja S-förmig gebogen.

Mich kann keines der Endergebnisse überzeugen. Wenn Photoline es nicht besser kann . . . .
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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by der_fotograf »

PL kann das besser — siehe meine Beispiele (Links weiter oben).

Ich vermute, Dutchman hat das falsche Werkzeug für die Perspektivkorrektur verwendet. Wahrscheinlich »Rectify« (wie auch immer das auf Deutsch heissen mag). Mit der Objektivkorrektur und dort -> Perspektive ist es immer sauber und unverzerrt.
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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by derpeter »

@ der_fotograf
Hut ab, das ist ja mal um mehrere Klassen besser! Allein das Fotografieren, aber auch die Bildbearbeitung.

Wenn ein Neuling/Anfänger/Einsteiger hier reinschaut und dutchman`s Versuche sieht, könnte er meinen, dass PhotoLine nicht besonders gut ist.
Und wenn ich als Laie schon beim ersten Blick einige Fehler sehe, ist das auch kein gutes Zeichen.
Aber dutchman ist scheinbar kein Freund des Fotografierens (will es auch nicht lernen) und sitzt lieber am PC und bastelt mit der Bildbearbeitung rum, mit mäßigem Erfolg. Nun ja, jeder was er will und was ihm Spass macht. :?
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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by dutchman »

The beginning:
The End:
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Last edited by dutchman on Tue 30 Jun 2020 18:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by dutchman »

Thanks to "der fotograf".
That's why I love PhotoLine.
One of you guys out there are really good photographers, and/or editors.
A lot are not THAT good (like me), but give the thing a try.
So... what happens:
A few comments are good and worth to read... others... OK... forget it.
I think, the difference between the first and the last try are remarkable (in a possitve sense) in my opinion. So I learned.
It would be nice, to see more of tryings, experiments, from beginners as from specialists as well.
So now, I leave my PC and go for a bike ride.
Thanks for yr comments.
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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by derpeter »

Na also . . . . geht doch auch besser. Warum muss man immer erst schimpfen?

Sogar ein Rosenstrauch ist gewachsen . . . . . .
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Re: Massively changed streetview

Post by der_fotograf »

Yeah babe :mrgreen:

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