Clipping paths--save to jpg

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Clipping paths--save to jpg

Post by mwenz »

While I can open a jpg with clipping paths, I can only resave them as a psd in order to retain the paths (at least that I can see). The file size difference is significant.

There are also duplicated paths when saving as a psd. They are empty image layers. They do not affect the use of the resultant psd in QuarkXPress/InDesign, etc. But it just seems "untidy." It would be nice if these empty layers are eliminated, especially if the request below cannot be introduced.

I would like the ability to save these jpgs as jpgs with clipping paths retained (and no duplication as per psd export).
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Gerhard Huber
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Re: Clipping paths--save to jpg

Post by Gerhard Huber »

Can you send me a test picture in PLD format that shows your problems?