Hi. I did some more tries, and discovered that the behaviour is related to two folders I fond inside my PhotoLine application folder. This folders are named "PhotoLineSettings" and "UserSettings".
https://www.dropbox.com/s/lx0es4dm09ije ... 7.png?dl=0
In any PhotoLine Upgrade, I drag all files in PhotoLine.zip archive over PhotoLine application folder, to hold there Italian manual, and any other file/folder I decided to hold there... but really I can't figure how the tow folders above went in PhotoLine application folder.
My last PhotoLine upgrades was PL19.51 -> PL23.00 -> PL23.01
Removing the two folder "unserialised" my PhotoLine 23, but even after entering newly serial number in PhotoLine through his menu, the folders didn't be created by PhotoLine anymore in Application folder. And PhotoLine works normally as registered software.
Another strange thing is that only removing both folders, makes PhotoLine use your icons. Now after I serialised again PhotoLine without this folders, removing both folders don't need a new serialisation. And serialisation isn't required if I put back both this folder again in PhotoLine application folder (with it's previous continents). If I put back only "PhotoLineSettings", PhotoLine asks again for registration.
So, I saw your icon set... and even some of them could be familiar (my last PhotoShop was PhotoShop Elements 2.0), I've gotten used with PhotoLine icons now. But if you, ore someone of PhotoLine developers want to give a look inside this folders, I'll send you a copy of them.