beta 9:
Fixed some icon sizes in Presets and Levels.
Seems these icons are special. They use "10002 Einstellungen" and two it's virtual copies "38298 IDS_PRESET" and "18788" and scale all 19x19 vector icon area to 16 px size. Seems it was chosen to align it with UI buttons elements. I keep "10002 Einstellungen" at 19 px size for best visual appearance.
Things looks better now but still a lot of inconsistency in Levels Adjustment compact window. This is all because random places use different align logic. Hope it could be fixed in future with UI code and all elements, icons and buttons will fit and align to native 13/15/17/19 px.
As a more real life solution for this problem i can suggest developers don't mix gear (and other) icon sources:
1. Use "10002 Einstellungen" source ONLY for 13/15/19 px icons (for menu and global icons toolbar).
2. Use separate Einstellungen icon source or virtual copy for 16 px (for Adjustment Layer Windows, Presets, Curves, Levels, (similar as "38298 IDS_PRESET" and "18788")
3. Use separate Einstellungen icon source source or virtual copy for Tiny Adjustment Layers toolbar (similar as 200074, 200073, 200071 IDP_COLORPICK_TITLE)