Some Speed vs Compression Compare Tests

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Some Speed vs Compression Compare Tests

Post by shijan »

Here are some tests based on scanned 16 bit TIFF film negative source:

------------------------ 16 bit ------------------------

TIFF to PLD uncompressed 16 bit........214 MB (save time 1 sec)
TIFF to PLD fast 16 bit.........................181 MB (save time 5 sec)

TIFF to TIFF LZW 16 bit.........................232 MB (save time 4 sec)
TIFF to TIFF packbits 16 bit..................216 MB (save time 1 sec)
TIFF to TIFF unpacked 16 bit................214 MB (save time 1 sec)
TIFF to TIFF ZIP 16 bit..........................181 MB (save time 5 sec)

TIFF to PSD 16 bit................................214 MB (save time 1 sec)

TIFF to PNG 16 bit...............................177 MB (save time 11 sec)

TIFF to JPEG2000 lossless 16 bit...........168 MB (save time 25 sec)

TIFF to JPEG XR lossless 16 bit..............167 MB (save time 2 sec)

----------------- up-converted to 32 bit -----------------

TIFF to PLD uncompressed 32 bit........429 MB (save time 1 sec)
TIFF to PLD fast 32 bit.........................280 MB (save time 10 sec)

TIFF to TIFF packbits 32 bit..................433 MB (save time 1 sec)
TIFF to TIFF unpacked 32 bit................429 MB (save time 1 sec)
TIFF to TIFF LZW 32 bit.........................373 MB (save time 7 sec)
TIFF to TIFF ZIP 32 bit..........................285 MB (save time 18 sec)

TIFF to EXR uncompressed 32 bit.........214 MB (save time 1 sec)
TIFF to EXR RLE 32 bit..........................173 MB (save time 1 sec)
TIFF to EXR PXR24 32 bit......................132 MB (save time 15 sec)
TIFF to EXR ZIP 32 bit...........................125 MB (save time 12 sec)
TIFF to EXR PIZ 32 bit...........................114 MB (save time 1 sec)
TIFF to EXR B44 32 bit..........................94 MB (save time 1 sec)

TIFF to HDR 32 bit...............................143 MB (save time 1 sec)

TIFF to PSD 32 bit................................429 MB (save time 1 sec)

P.S. EXR and HDR may look like efficient formats but they compress images in very different and complicated ways and as result produce huge slowdowns on every "save to PLD compressed" format during image editing:

EXR B44 32 bit to PLD fast...................193 MB (save time 82 sec)
EXR PIZ 32 bit to PLD fast....................195 MB (save time 94 sec)
HDR 32 bit to PLD fast.........................131 MB (save time about 300 sec)
EXR B44 32 bit to PLD uncompressed..429 MB (save time 1 sec)

From 16 bit speed vs compression point of view it seems currently JPEG XR lossless compression produce best results. I wonder if JPEG XR lossless compression somehow could be added as native compression option for PLD format.

JPEG XR lossless 16 bit to PLD fast......181 MB (save time 5 sec)
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