Printing without Color Management

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Printing without Color Management

Post by Alan9940 »

I am creating digital negatives with a specific color density that needs to be sent to the printer without color management mucking things up along the way. The file is in Adobe RGB (1998) and I know how to turn off color management in my printer driver, but how do I tell PL to not color manage the document? In older versions of PS, in the PS print dialog one would set output to "Same as Source" (the Adobe RGB (1998) profile), and then turn off color management in the driver. Is there an equivalent in PL?

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Re: Printing without Color Management

Post by russellcottrell »

The inability to print without color management in modern applications is somewhat incredible. I think it is an issue at the operating system level. I use the Adobe Color Printer Utility ( ... ssing.html) to print profile targets. The workaround is supposed to be to set the printer profile to be the same as the image’s profile (Adobe RGB, ProPhoto, whatever). File - Print, set the profile in the dialog. But there is no guarantee that there will be no alteration of the color values whatsoever at the OS level. For printer profiling, that is not acceptable. It depends on how critical your requirements are.
Martin Huber
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Re: Printing without Color Management

Post by Martin Huber »

You are using Windows?

If you set the printer profile to "System", PhotoLine will use the driver settings for printing. So if you turn off color management in the printer driver, PhotoLine won't change this.

But PhotoLine will still use the color profile of your image. So you also have to turn off color management in PhotoLine (In the options at "Color Management > Devices") and RGB images will be sent unmodified to the printer.

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Re: Printing without Color Management

Post by Alan9940 »

@russellcottrell, yes, totally blows my mind that modern Adobe applications do not allow passing of data directly to a printer without color management invention. Apparently, Adobe decided that EVERYTHING should be color managed and EVERYBODY always wants color management.

@Martin Huber, thank you.

After panicking a bit, yesterday, I spent about 1 1/2 hours on a chat with Adobe to get PS CS4 installed because PS versions prior to CS5 allows you to disable color management, when needed, for printing. I'll spare you the excruciating details of this chat, but suffice it to say we got it installed and it works for what I need. That said, it's very nice to know that PL is my backup.

Thanks, again.