Topaz DeNoise AI issues

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Topaz DeNoise AI issues

Post by bruce1951 »

I have a problem!!!!

I've been using Topaz DeNoise AI on some images. As a stand alone program. NOT as a plugin or external program from within PL.

AI does an excellent job on photos.

I have scanned a number of old photos from the 1940's. All saved as tiffs. (Approx 1025x 726 pixels and 1.5 meg).
I can go straight to Topaz DeNoise AI and have no issues. However some photos/scans need straightening. I open them in PL and straighten them and do a simple Save. The problem arises once I try to edit those saved PL images in Topaz DeNoise AI. AI will do everything ok. However on saving ANY image that has been in anyway edited by PL Topaz AI crashes trying to do a save.

So my question/s are. Can someone please test and verify this issue. If so what is PL doing to the saved tiff file that is upsetting Topaz DeNoise AI?

EDIT - I have taken the exact same steps using PaintShopPro x8. (Straighten and crop). No issues with Topaz DeNoise AI!!!

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Gerhard Huber
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Re: Topaz DeNoise AI issues

Post by Gerhard Huber »

bruce1951 wrote: Wed 05 Jun 2019 02:48 I have scanned a number of old photos from the 1940's. All saved as tiffs. (Approx 1025x 726 pixels and 1.5 meg).
I would scan the photos in a higher resolution.
bruce1951 wrote: Wed 05 Jun 2019 02:48 I can go straight to Topaz DeNoise AI and have no issues. However some photos/scans need straightening. I open them in PL and straighten them and do a simple Save. The problem arises once I try to edit those saved PL images in Topaz DeNoise AI. AI will do everything ok. However on saving ANY image that has been in anyway edited by PL Topaz AI crashes trying to do a save.
you claim that Topaz can read and work on the images that are imported in TIFF format, written by PhotoLine. But when you try to save the image, Topaz crashes.
The only problem that can occur here, I think, are meta data. Perhaps Topaz will try to save the meta data and crashes here.
You can try to remove all meta data in PhotoLine before saving (document attributes dialog).
Martin Huber
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Re: Topaz DeNoise AI issues

Post by Martin Huber »

I just tried that on macOS and Topaz DeNoise AI crashed, too. The resulting crash report indicates that it crashed while writing EXIF data, so
- I removed all metadata in PhotoLine
- saved as TIFF
- checked the TIFF to ensure there are no metadata
- opened the TIFF in Topaz
- saved it in Topaz and got the same crash

So I created a new TIFF in Apple Preview and tried that. Still the same crash.

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Re: Topaz DeNoise AI issues

Post by bruce1951 »

Thanks. Keep in mind that the crash only occurs if I do any editing in PL. If any tiff file is edited first in PL causes AI to crash.

Note - I have scanned the originals at 600 PPI. They are very small 53mm x 53mm prints.

It's easier to scan, edit in AI and then edit in PL. Not a big deal but I was curious to know what was happening in PL.

Martin Huber
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Re: Topaz DeNoise AI issues

Post by Martin Huber »

bruce1951 wrote: Wed 05 Jun 2019 13:10 Thanks. Keep in mind that the crash only occurs if I do any editing in PL. If any tiff file is edited first in PL causes AI to crash.
Well, I didn't need PL to create this crash. Creating a new TIFF (based on a JPEG from the Topaz website) with Apple Preview and editing that with Topaz DeNoise AI, was sufficient.
bruce1951 wrote: Wed 05 Jun 2019 13:10Not a big deal but I was curious to know what was happening in PL.
IMO there is nothing happening in PL, but there's a bug in Topaz DeNoise AI.

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Re: Topaz DeNoise AI issues

Post by bruce1951 »

Thanks Martin. Topaz has a long history of releasing software that isn't ready for the market. I've had a number of issues with DeNoise AI. In my case I've had no trouble editing in PSPx8 and using AI. However editing in PL has caused issues. Maybe just chance!

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Re: Topaz DeNoise AI issues

Post by bruce1951 »

Some more Topaz issues. Topaz has just released Studio 2. The very same issue happens with Studio 2 as in DeNoise AI. Studio 2 crashes with anything that has been through PL. So Topaz is changing something in their new software.

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Gerhard Huber
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Re: Topaz DeNoise AI issues

Post by Gerhard Huber »

I had a look at this problem.
The "plugin" copies the image data and calls the program. Something is going wrong here, but it's not possible to find the reason without help from Topaz. I sent them a help request, but didn't get an answer until now.
So I would suggest to try the "plugin" as external program.
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Re: Topaz DeNoise AI issues

Post by bruce1951 »

I see on other forums that many users aren't happy with Studio 2. I don't see any real use for it unless it improves a lot. For the time being I wouldn't bother putting any effort into finding their problems for them. They have a habit of releasing software that isn't ready for the market.
