How do I draw a line around an object?

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How do I draw a line around an object?

Post by SarahNewton »

Hi everyone,

Basically I'm trying to do a "Stroke" command in Photoline, and am lost. I want to make a selection, and then draw a line around that selection. Specifically, I've got a coastline on a map I'm drawing, and I want to outline it in 1px black.

How can I do that?


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Re: How do I draw a line around an object?

Post by bkh »

You can use Tools -> Lasso -> Lasso to Layer to convert the lasso into a vector path, and then set its line width and colour as required. (After that, you can convert the vector layer into a bitmap layer or merge it into the background layer if required.)

Alternatively, you could create the outline as a vector line in the first place (using the Vector Drawing or Curve Creation tool).


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Re: How do I draw a line around an object?

Post by Herbert123 »

Photoshop's Stroke command is a legacy one from long ago. In PhotoLine it's as easy as right-mouse clicking the selection, and choosing Convert to Layer. And vice versa, convert a vector layer to a lasso.

A similar command to Stroke does exist in PhotoLine, though:
1) create a selection
2) convert the selection to a vector layer

This pops up a nice dialog in which all sorts of settings control the final effect. Be sure to load up a good brush set before you do :-)

Ah, if only this were a live non-destructive tool. We would have bitmap brushes that could be applied to a vector path.
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Re: How do I draw a line around an object?

Post by Herbert123 »

Another alternative solution is to convert the selection to a layer, and then fill it with colour, and apply a layer effect: outline outside or inside, and check the HIDE ORIGINAL option.

When the shape is changed, the outline is updated.

Or just apply the outline stroke layer effect to your coast outline (this will only work if the land and water are separated objects, of course).
System: Win10 64bit - i7 920@3.6Ghz, p6t Deluxe v1, 48gb (6x8gb RipjawsX), Nvidia GTX1080 8GB, Revodrive X2 240gb, e-mu 1820, 2XSamsung SA850 (2560*1440) and 1XHP2408H 1920*1200 portrait