Gerhard Huber wrote: ↑Thu 16 Jan 2025 12:13
I would need a PLD with the graphic to test it here.
[attachment=0]Mesh Light 3D body.pld[/attachment
The file is now attached @Gerhard Huber. Please let me know what you think.
The 3D body function can create pointed corners. With miter join, these corners might become spikes. Therefore if the line join is miter, I will change it to round.
Additionally I will automatically turn off arrow caps and inside/outside alignment of the line.
Was ich gefühlt seit der Erfindung der Funktion immer wieder falsch mache: "Vektor > Zerschneiden", weil ich grundsätzlich die 2 Vektorebenen in falscher Reihenfolge markiere.
Zerschneiden gibt 2 Vektoren aus: "Was nur in Vektor A ist" und " Was in Vektor A und B ist"
Wenn noch der 3. Vektor "Was nur in Vektor B ist" hinzukäme, dann wäre ich zufriedener.
Wann wollt Ihr eigentlich releasen? Ich stelle mir immer vor, dass man ja mal gemeinsam Paletten, Muster, Aktionen und so für einen Release sammeln und schön machen könnte.
Herr Doktor, ich bin mir ganz sicher, ich habe Atom! /Doctor, doctor, I'm sure, I've got atoms!
shijan wrote: ↑Thu 16 Jan 2025 17:02
wmjordan, you can do it even simpler without dragging: right click on group title and select "Ungroup".
Screen Shot 2025-01-16 at 5.07.13 PM.jpg
drag and drop operation move only one color at a time, despite that I have already selected all colors within a group
This looks like a bug.
Oh, I did not realize that. I just tried the context menu on the popup color list, where no "Group" or "Ungroup" was offered.
Thank you for your guidance.
Now I ungrouped all colors and things went back to previous status.
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I have a bug that can be consistently reproduced on the latest beta. I use Windows 11.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a new document of size 1920 X 1280 at 300 dpi and white background
2. Go to Digital Camera >> Focus Stacking
3. Add images with the default setting
4. Click OK
>> Crash.
Here's the screenshot of settings in case you wish to see.
Focus Stacking Bug.jpg
It also does not retrieve any autosave file, incidentally.
P.S: Tried out with various settings within the dialogue box. It consistently crashes the application. Hope this helps!
Thank you!
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Grinned ear to ear seeing Gerhard's email about it, and a great deal of features have been added to warrant a full new version (instead of like Affinity for V2 - boy, do I have an axe to grind with them!).
Here's to many, many more PL versions and years of fun to come for all of us! Thanks @Gerhard, @Martin for the software, and the forum users for making this a happy place to come to learn about photo editing.
I don't know if @russellcottrell still visits this forum, but I found his explanations fantastic. Thank you for putting together that for newbies like me.
That's really long awaited option in 25 final version! Or was it introduced earlier? I also didn't knew that it is possible to change icons in that "mask view" toolbar area.
Screen Shot 2025-01-23 at 7.05.58 PM.jpg
Small idea: Why don't allow to use more than 4 icons there? Like this:
Screen Shot 2025-01-23 at 7.07.40 PM.jpg
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Mist, jetzt hab ich doch noch was...
Ich hab PL in "Program files" installiert und einen PhotoLineSettings-Ordner angelegt. Nervt wie sau, aber dafür habe ich nachvollziehbare Settings.
"Web-Export", "PNG", "Farben reduzieren", "Einstellungen ändern"
Der Dialog öffnet sich mit Farbanzahl 0 und "Farben nicht reduzieren", und so sieht die Palette auch aus: Leer.
Wähle ich 16 Farben, wird der Radiobutton "Farben reduzieren" automatisch aktiviert. Die Palette bleibt aber leer, und alle zugehörigen Optionen bleiben grau.
Erst nachdem ich manuell mit der Maus zwischen "Farben nicht reduzieren" und "reduzieren" gewechselt bin,wird die Palette korrekt aktiviert.
Herr Doktor, ich bin mir ganz sicher, ich habe Atom! /Doctor, doctor, I'm sure, I've got atoms!
Hoogo wrote: ↑Thu 23 Jan 2025 23:58
"Web-Export", "PNG", "Farben reduzieren", "Einstellungen ändern"
Der Dialog öffnet sich mit Farbanzahl 0 und "Farben nicht reduzieren", und so sieht die Palette auch aus: Leer.
Wähle ich 16 Farben, wird der Radiobutton "Farben reduzieren" automatisch aktiviert. Die Palette bleibt aber leer, und alle zugehörigen Optionen bleiben grau.
Unter macOS tritt das Problem definitiv nicht auf:
Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 08.04.35.jpg
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Nur wenige wissen, wie viel man wissen muss, um zu wissen, wie wenig man weiss.
Only few know how much you have to know to know how little you know.
— Werner Heisenberg [German theoretical physicist]
der_fotograf wrote: ↑Fri 24 Jan 2025 09:06Unter macOS tritt das Problem definitiv nicht auf:
Mit ganz frischer Installation ist die Vorauswahl bei den Farben noch leer. Mit den leeren Einstellungen dann "Change" klicken, und dann ging das mit leerer Palette los.
Herr Doktor, ich bin mir ganz sicher, ich habe Atom! /Doctor, doctor, I'm sure, I've got atoms!
Vivi_Ram wrote: ↑Thu 23 Jan 2025 18:17
I don't know if @russellcottrell still visits this forum, but I found his explanations fantastic. Thank you for putting together that for newbies like me.
I have a bug that can be consistently reproduced on the latest beta. I use Windows 11.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a new document of size 1920 X 1280 at 300 dpi and white background
2. Go to Digital Camera >> Focus Stacking
3. Add images with the default setting
4. Click OK
>> Crash.
Here's the screenshot of settings in case you wish to see.
Focus Stacking Bug.jpg
It also does not retrieve any autosave file, incidentally.
P.S: Tried out with various settings within the dialogue box. It consistently crashes the application. Hope this helps!
Thank you!
Could someone else confirm please if this is repeatable at your end? Try to stack a bunch of photos recently taken and wondering why it's not working.
I have a bug that can be consistently reproduced on the latest beta. I use Windows 11.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a new document of size 1920 X 1280 at 300 dpi and white background
2. Go to Digital Camera >> Focus Stacking
3. Add images with the default setting
4. Click OK
>> Crash.
Here's the screenshot of settings in case you wish to see.
Focus Stacking Bug.jpg
It also does not retrieve any autosave file, incidentally.
P.S: Tried out with various settings within the dialogue box. It consistently crashes the application. Hope this helps!