All messed up with watercolors - nice effect!

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All messed up with watercolors - nice effect!

Post by dutchman »

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Re: All messed up with watercolors - nice effect!

Post by Hoogo »

Very pretty :D
How is it done? I can only guess:
Text and some splashes with a gradient, additional splashes in fixed colors?
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Re: All messed up with watercolors - nice effect!

Post by dutchman »

There are a few ways to achieve this Hoogo.
That's possibly the way I did it:
Multicolor background then masked (Shift+Strg+x) and inverted (alt+i) ...
--> Text: convert layer to lasso then brushed with white color.
--> Another multicolor background masked, inverted and brushed the text with white watercolorbrush
--> This (now black) background brushed with white watercolorbrush
--> With white brush set some "points" on the background, or another layer.

It did it in more than one try, because of the color harmonies.
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